Trumps Uncle, John George Trump, was an American electrical engineer, inventor, and physicist. He was Prestigious enough to have been privy to inspecting Nikola Teslas Technology After his death.
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(PDF)-TESLA pages 1-249.pdf; (PDF)-TESLA pages 250-290; (PDF)-Nikola Tesla Part 03 of 03
(VIEW)-Tesla FBI DOCS Pages 1-354
Trumps Uncle, John George Trump, was an American electrical engineer, inventor, and physicist. He was Prestigious enough to have been privy to inspecting Nikola Teslas Technology After his death. Within this page, found on page 184 of "Nikola Tesla Part 1 of 3", shows clearly this fact. The narrative of this exert suggests that the tech is "standard electrical measuring instruments in common use several decades ago". however, a single statement has unfolded how non standard these devices were; "a safety deposit box".
Found in that safety deposit box was a very obscure device only publicly available in the slightest due to an FBI member involved in Teslas post death effects accumulation, this agent supposedly went rogue and took the tech for his own, it was later found in auction during the 90's. the shape and suggested purpose of the tech has raised many theories as to what it does. The time in which it was developed has been determined to be in range of Teslas anti-gravitics research and Development. The device itself has been said to have cost upwards of $10,000 to develop.
3) "Bi cone Tesla Coil"
4) "Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony and Transmission of Power"
Indicating a woman who works with space people, the context suggest she wrote a book, though this particular context is not kept in the median between this and the description of Teals being a venusian.
The daily dialectics was devised in efforts of exposing devious tech derived from major companies. The highlights of which are Google and Facebook. Over the past decade they have worked together in lieu of the development of a wireless power network integrated into our most populated areas worldwide. Most notably 2017 - 2018 was the year of the final patent approvals. Facebooks Line of Sight system can receive the dense wave form emitted by the waveguide attached to Googles Goubau Launchers. Both are capable of ultra-low, microwave, up to THZ frequencies depending on ambient conditions and intention of dispersal.
In an age where truths are akin to fiction in the minds of the masses, fiction is a key component in societal control. Reprogram your programmer's programming; join the dialectic.
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In an age where truths are akin to fiction in the minds of the masses, fiction is a key component in societal control. Reprogram your programmer's programming; join the dialectic.