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Sommerfeld-Goubau, Nikola Tesla, MEMs, Cannabinoids, & Science

The Daily Dialectics has established a forum: "The Hidden Dialectic"

Beliefs & Bad Practices
 Beliefs & Bad Practices
It is a very common trait of the human mind shown by modern psychology and has been displayed thruought scientific and religious history indefinitely

many were persecuted for their views on the world. Gallileo is my favourite example. Put in house arrest for the rest of his life for his views on how the solar system worked. Much to everyone's surprise he was correct, surely he is not the only theologian to be prosecuted for his beliefs;it has happened all thru-ought time. Though they are not throwing those with beliefs such as myself in contempt of the law these days.

It has been within the contempt of ridicule and non acceptance thru-ought the "scientific" community only because of its non acceptance as a societal concept.

I can only assume the path of science will follow as it always has and reveal that there is much more than we do think we know about the world and solar system we live in .

Without the pressing of these opposing views there might not be a new understanding.

That Is the driving force in what I seem to be portraying with my uneducated self.

My theory is that as much advancement society has had; of course human kind will not overcome any time soon the ability to disregard new information as to not question and possibly overturn every belief one has had before. It's a psychological safety method humans have developed to not turn their world upside down. I think its called cognitive dissidence; a metaphor for this would be "When the fox fails to reach the grapes, he decides he does not want them after all"

It is a very common trait of the human mind shown by modern psychology and has been displayed thruought scientific and religious history indefinitely. This is why I do not believe the Limits of our science is actually a limit on our human and worldly ability. Scientific law is only concrete until it is disproven, as far as I've seen damn near most of It has been disproven or changed or built upon, rarely do things remain a constant, aside from math of course. So I'd feel foolish believing with faith that we are absolutely correct in our understanding of the physics within our solar system as mere human beings. For with blind faith seems to encourage ignorance of facts presented by future observation.

The daily dialectics was devised in efforts of exposing devious tech derived from major companies. The highlights of which are Google and Facebook. Over the past decade they have worked together in lieu of the development of a wireless power network integrated into our most populated areas worldwide. Most notably 2017 - 2018 was the year of the final patent approvals. Facebooks Line of Sight system can receive the dense wave form emitted by the waveguide attached to Googles Goubau Launchers. Both are capable of ultra-low, microwave, up to THZ frequencies depending on ambient conditions and intention of dispersal.

thehidden Ethereum thehidden

In an age where truths are akin to fiction in the minds of the masses, fiction is a key component in societal control. Reprogram your programmers programming, join the dialectic.

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